Why this Blog


VIBGYOR Group of Schools aims to nurture future leaders and critical thinkers among its students. However, we strongly believe it’s a community together that has a huge impact on the development of children. With this objective in mind and based on our years of experience in understanding child development and new age practices in Early year and K-12 education, we have created and curated blog resources that bring value to each one of us including Parents, Educators, and Students

The blog offers a valuable platform for parents to understand the nuances of child development, exchange learnings, and contribute stories for mutual benefit

An educator’s role extends far beyond the classroom. The blog encourages educators to learn and unlearn educational practices, and discuss classroom experiences. It’s a place to share ideas, learn from one another’s accomplishments and challenges, and form a supportive community.

Students are at the centre of this entire ecosystem. The blog helps students nurture reading and writing skills, builds vocabulary, fosters critical thinking, and instills interest in educational dialogue. It helps students to observe the world around them, identify relevant topics, and share their opinions with others. Finally, it develops well-rounded individuals who have a comprehensive perspective on numerous topics and concerns.
