Social Service – so much more than just a walk in the park

As part of the overall development of students, schools participate in many social service activities like tree plantation, rallies, visits to orphanages or old age homes, etc. Often, these visits and activities are followed by a report, written by each student on what they did and what they learnt.Many times, the trips are taken as a welcome break from the daily school schedule with students paying attention to what is being said simply so they can include it in their write-ups. The outing, which is undertaken with the intention of instilling the concept of service, often turns into trips of entertainment.What students most often miss or fail to understand is that an opportunity has been presented to them to help someone, bring a smile on someone’s face by their mere presence, and learn from each other. The aim of these outings is to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate and to understand the needs of the larger society you live in. You might think what can one person possibly do – but the power of one can make a bigger difference than you can imagine; because it has to start somewhere and here, it starts with you.Social service also has the power to shake the set perspectives that you have. You can learn empathy, be thankful for the unlimited opportunities you have, where even the sky is not the limit. You can learn determination, the never-dying spirit from the people you meet. You can collect all these experiences and make them your own…to lead by example…to show what it means to be a leader, to be that idol for others to emulate and look up to.So students, the next time you are going on such an outing, focus on doing service. Focus on listening, to imbibing the atmosphere, keeping your eyes, ears, mind and heart open, and living the experience.

VIBGYOR High recognized amongst Hot 50 Brands of Mumbai

VIBGYOR High group of schools, a leading chain of K12 schools in India has received Hot Brand Award in the SMB category at the 2nd edition of Mumbai Brand Summit & Hot 50 Brands programme, recently held at ITC Grand Central, Mumbai. Mr. Vikas Arora, Chief Marketing Officer, received the award on behalf of VIBGYOR High Group of Schools from Mr. Nitin Chaudhry, Business Head, Hindustan Times Mumbai, at the event.

VIBGYOR High is the only education brand to make its presence among the Hot 50 brands of Mumbai. The group successfully made its eligibility for the award after undergoing a rigorous evaluation on various parameters such as industry-leading growth, increase in positive sentiment, innovation and differentiation. The selection jury consisted of brand leaders, such as Madhukar Kamath, Group CEO & MD, DDB Mudra Group, Jaideep Gokhale, Director, Marketing Communications, South Asia, East Asia & Oceania, Tetra Pak and a lot more.Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Rustom Kerawalla – Chairman and Managing Director, VIBGYOR High Group of Schools said, “I would like to congratulate each and every member of my team for their dedicated efforts and constant support in building the brand – VIBGYOR High. This award symbolizes the commitment and hard work devoted by the institution towards providing the highest quality of education.”On receiving the awards, Mr. Vikas Arora, Chief Marketing Officer, VIBGYOR High Group of Schools said, “It is a moment of pride for our brand and I would like to thank the entire team of VIBGYOR High to make this achievement possible.” Mumbai Brand Summit brings together the century old brands as well as the digital-age fast growth startups. In line with Paul Writer's vision to raise the bar for marketing through research, peer learning and sharing best practices, the Mumbai Brand Summit, is conceptualized as a power-packed afternoon of discussion, sharing and learning, followed by an evening celebrating the achievements of the 'Mumbai Hot Brands’.

VIBGYOR Kids Kolhapur School celebrates World Fiesta

VIBGYOR Kids, a pre-primary section of VIBGYOR High Group of Schools, today organized World Fiesta in the school premises for their senior kindergarten students and parents. The event was organized to educate students about different countries of the world, their significance, food and culture with fun-filled engagement activities involving parents. Four divisions of Sr.Kg class with a total of more than 120 students and 100 parents actively participated in the event. World Fiesta is celebrated in other schools of VIBGYOR High across the country, between September 2nd and 11th.

World Fiesta is a part of an integrated and experiential learning programme of VIBGYOR Kids, which revolves around various educational themes every month. For the month of September, the theme for Sr. Kg. students is ‘Countries of the World’. At the event, various engaging activities such as poem recitation, quiz for parents hosted by children, country speciality food stalls, dance performances and more helped in creating cross-cultural awareness amongst children at an early age. The fund collected through food sale at various stalls will be further donated to NGO’s.Mr. T. Balan, Principal, VIBGYOR Kids Kolhapur School said, “At VIBGYOR Kids, we focus on integrated learning as a teaching methodology for the overall development of the child. World Fiesta is one such attempt to educate our students in a creative way, while introducing and involving our parents in their child’s learning.”At VIBGYOR Kids, students are put in an environment that catalyses their academic, physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual growth. We constantly devise unconventional methods that offer interactive and wide plethora of topics with an objective to develop a sense of context and objectivity in our children equipping them for larger challenges of life.

Counselling – Don’t fear it.

As our hectic schedules and stressful lives leave us with little to no time to properly monitor our children’s performance in school, a lot of parents are taken aback when teachers or school authorities are critical of their child’s performance or behaviour.

As we all grow up in different environments and come from different backgrounds, integration of a class as a whole can sometimes have complications. As parents, you are in a unique position to know and understand your child and what they are going through. Teachers too, who spend almost 8 hours with your child knows when he or she is being difficult or when they are facing a genuine problem.

Many a time teachers and parents are not equipped to smooth out the difficulties a child is going through. Before these difficulties become insurmountable obstacles in a child’s learning curve, it is essential to address these and nip them in the bud. This is the time when a counsellor steps into the picture.

However, there is a stigma attached to counselling amongst parents who believe it is a drastic step and equate it to mean that there is some serious mental or psychological ‘problem’ with their child. When in reality, it is just a way to asses a child’s difficulties, pinpoint it and then move on to help them deal.

As young adults, there are not only emotional changes but physical and psychological changes that your child is going through. Sometimes, all they need is a neutral party who will listen to them. Apart from that, counsellors, as professionals, are capable of providing tools to children that will not only help them now, but also in the future. Counselling is not to be feared or looked down upon. In a sense, try to debunk the fear and false notions attached to counselling and look at it as a medium to weed out problems or just a place where kids can be candid with someone other than their parents.
