The Importance of Reading Books in the Digital Era

We live in an incredible digital time. Information whizzes at our fingertips, screens glow with endless entertainment, and connecting with anyone is just a tap away. But in this whirlwind of digital awesomeness, there's an old-school treasure that deserves a place in students’ backpacks –  books. Yes, books – those things made of paper and filled with inky lines. Maybe they seem a little slow compared to the instant gratification of the internet but books hold a unique kind of magic. Research indicates that reading books significantly benefits adolescents and young adults on an intrapersonal level. It helps in vocabulary... Read More

Rethinking India’s Tryst with E-learning

Covid-19 has interrupted education of over a billion students worldwide. In such times, the optimum solution to sustain education is online learning. Schools are conducting classes online via Zoom, Moodle and proprietary school software. The sudden need for online education has created an opportunity to experience how online learning can improve the educational landscape and policies in India. While there are policies that provide resources to implement online learning, integrating the education structure with e-learning is absent. The most daring use of online learning is by providing nationally standardised education, irrespective of social class and rural background. There is a... Read More

Strike Off Plastic

I dare you to imagine a sight. A land filled with every hue, a rainbow that should be beautiful but only repulses you. Water rushing to the shore brings the fabrics and the bottles and the empty torn bags with it. Dead creatures that have been long gone, and out of their mouths drips grey-green water and just the tiny strains of transparent plastic. It choked them. It killed them. In the middle of this garbage desert, you can see a bird, a white seabird with a long, graceful beak – and it is whimpering. Pain. It is in intense... Read More

Monkey See, Monkey Do

“Monkey See, Monkey Do” Quite obvious, it’s always the environment and surroundings which grooms the child and “PARENTS” play a very vital role. A child’s birth brings happiness and pleasure but also brings lots of responsibilities as a part of parenting to shape and groom their child to be a better person. Parents influence their child, be it a social–emotional development, health or any of their activities. It is always said that it’s the parents who groom and determine their child’s future. It has always been a notion that family is the first school for a child. Even a shy and sleepy... Read More

What to Expect When You Are Attending VIBGYORMUN

Come June, and we have more than 500 students across India and abroad keenly awaiting ‘VIBGYORMUN’.  The three days of highly stimulated debate sessions are soaked with vigour and vivacity. This is an arena to voice your opinions, pass resolutions, formulate policies and make new friends, respect difference in opinions and appreciate similarity in thoughts and ideologies. The newest generation is well seeded with knowledge, layered with reassurances from their peers and mentors. The plethora of information they possess finds a channel through VIBGYORMUN, to express themselves via debates, discussions, deliberations and denials. Year on year, we have witnessed  VIBGYORMUN... Read More

The Importance of Play

Children should spend a good amount of time playing outside the house. This is an age old truth that we, in the 21st Century, seem to have forgotten. Our children nowadays either spend time cooped up at home using devices which lead to screen addiction or are bundled off to various classes and sent for activities and events which may or may not really be beneficial to them. Where is the time to play then? The saying, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’, holds so true in a majority of cases. The freedom and joy of... Read More
