Creating reflexive and critical thinkers of tomorrow

By Ms. Kavita Sahay – Director, Schools and Academics, VIBGYOR High Group of Schools

Today, meaningful, useful education is something all students need regardless of the career choices they will eventually make. Learning for the child takes place in many ways and the curriculum accords equal importance to what a child learns and the process by which he or she learns it. The curriculum recognizes that the child should be an active agent in his or her own learning and that the child’s existing knowledge and environmental experience should be the starting point for new knowledge. When children are accorded a positive school experience which includes development of their literacy, numeracy and communication skills,... Read More

Joys of Reading

Have you walked through the hallowed halls of the school library and been captured by that magical sight? Have you walked through the school corridors, a book clutched in hand because you just cannot part with it? Do you consider books to be portals to unknown worlds? Can you imagine the smell of a freshly printed book? Or the musty smell of an old library book? Have you borrowed a book from the school library, seen names written on it and wondered who these people were? If yes, you are a book lover and we congratulate you. If not, you... Read More

Social Service – so much more than just a walk in the park

As part of the overall development of students, schools participate in many social service activities like tree plantation, rallies, visits to orphanages or old age homes, etc. Often, these visits and activities are followed by a report, written by each student on what they did and what they learnt. Many times, the trips are taken as a welcome break from the daily school schedule with students paying attention to what is being said simply so they can include it in their write-ups. The outing, which is undertaken with the intention of instilling the concept of service, often turns into trips... Read More
