Changing Role of Teachers in the 21st Century

Teachers are nation builders and despite the breakneck speed of technological progress impacting today's classrooms, their presence is of paramount importance to students. The term facilitator is now becoming more prevalent, and why not? It goes hand in hand with the quantum of work and the job descriptions of teachers around the world. Long gone are the days of only books and chalk and talk methods. In modern schools one sees how, by using dynamic and exciting teaching methodologies, the learners are drawn into the world of self actualisation and realisation of their aims, aspirations, dreams, goals and hopes. Collaboration,... Read More

Teaching Digital Citizenship to your Child

The time is long past where parents could shield their children from the ills of social media or keep them away from gadgets. Now gadgets are a ubiquitous aspect of a child’s life, irrespective of his or her age. It has been well-documented that colleges and recruiters go through a potential candidate’s digital footprint before making decisions. With the growing number of teens using social media, the need to communicate on how to conduct yourself online has become vital. It is important for them to know that what they put out on social media today can cause trouble to them... Read More

Because dads mean more

Numerous studies have indicated that fathers play an important role in a child's development, right from birth through adulthood. These studies indicate that involved fathers help children tremendously, like better language skills and lesser behavioural problems. Father involvement also leads to emotional and intellectual growth of the children. We hear about a mother’s role in the upbringing of the child but a father’s role is equally important. A father brings unique contributions to parenting that no one else can replicate. Fathers communicate and parent differently from mothers and children need both brands of parenting to grow up as well-adjusted adults.... Read More

Creating reflexive and critical thinkers of tomorrow

By Ms. Kavita Sahay – Director, Schools and Academics, VIBGYOR High Group of Schools

Today, meaningful, useful education is something all students need regardless of the career choices they will eventually make. Learning for the child takes place in many ways and the curriculum accords equal importance to what a child learns and the process by which he or she learns it. The curriculum recognizes that the child should be an active agent in his or her own learning and that the child’s existing knowledge and environmental experience should be the starting point for new knowledge. When children are accorded a positive school experience which includes development of their literacy, numeracy and communication skills,... Read More

Classroom management techniques

Ask a teacher what would be their worst nightmare and they’d say a class which they are unable to control, or a class which refuses to follow instructions. Of course every teacher has their unique way of classroom management, but it is important to understand how to maintain discipline while at the same time, provide an environment where students can thrive and learn. Here are some tips which teachers can use to provide a conducive learning environment. #1: Be consistent One thing which teachers get accused of frequently by students is partiality. “But when he did it, you did not... Read More

Working together for a child’s better future

One would think being a teacher was just about teaching. However, as a teacher, you have to don more roles than are strictly described in your job description. You are in a unique position of being the bridge between a student’s performance in school and his or her parents. But how do you approach the rather sensitive issue of communicating a child’s shortcomings to his or her parents? Parents generally don’t like it if teachers tell them that their child has a problem or a difficulty in school. Sometimes, parents have adverse reactions ranging from outright denial (even when they... Read More
