Strike Off Plastic


I dare you to imagine a sight. A land filled with every hue, a rainbow that should be beautiful but only repulses you. Water rushing to the shore brings the fabrics and the bottles and the empty torn bags with it. Dead creatures that have been long gone, and out of their mouths drips grey-green water and just the tiny strains of transparent plastic. It choked them. It killed them. In the middle of this garbage desert, you can see a bird, a white seabird with a long, graceful beak – and it is whimpering. Pain. It is in intense pain. A strand of the shiny blue net – the common plastic that anglers often use – is hanging out of the side of its beak, drawing blood. It is looped around its neck, tight, and suddenly you realise that the bird is choking. It tries to voice its pain, but the cord is too tight and it is draining the life out of it. A pair of brown, bloodshot, innocent eyes stare at you, for help, but you do nothing. You ignore the urgent flutters of the bird, beating against the strong winds, but how will the wind ever help? The intense oscillations of the chest of the bird slow, its feathers browned and bloodstained. One last look at you and it is gone.

This is what plastic has done to our planet, and this is exactly what we do in return. It has ruined the Earth, it has destroyed it and it has dragged it to a point beyond physical repair. 

There is no doubt that plastic revolutionised medicine with life-saving devices, made space travel possible, lightened cars and jets—saving fuel—provided cheap packaging options and equipment for clean drinking water. While plastic has many valuable uses, our addiction to disposable polymers has exponentially increased and caused glaring environmental consequences that we have knowingly ignored.

A 2015 study by the National Academy of Sciences, USA, proved that almost every seabird has consumed plastic, resulting in premature death, and so have several turtles, who, after consuming the toxic chemicals released by plastics did not survive more than a few weeks after. And what did we learn? Thousands of deaths, by the hour, of sea and land creatures who were victims of our deeds. Hundreds of acres of land taken to store the discarded plastic, which will live forever and keep poisoning the soil and the creatures living in it. After four years of this study is published, we have learnt nothing.

Sunlight and seawater embrittled plastic to form ‘microplastics’ making it available to zooplankton and other small marine animals including some species found only in the deepest ocean trenches.

Statistically, one million bottles are purchased per minute and about five trillion plastic bags are used and disposed each year around the world. Since the 1960s, more than 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic has been produced and 60% of this is in landfills and oceans, never to be decomposed for the next many millennia. The majority of garbage dumped into the ocean spreads beyond national boundaries, forming the infamous swirling ‘garbage patches’ in oceanic gyres. India stands at the height of these scales, with 1,880,559 kg of plastic being disposed of each day, 85% of which is completely mismanaged.

The oceans and the landfills are not the only victims of our polymeric experiments. The primary sources of freshwater, our rivers, have also been majorly affected by coagulation and contamination by plastics. Our holy Ganges and Brahmaputra have been, now for many years, classified as some of the most polluted rivers carrying 72,845 tonnes of plastic waste into the oceans, increasing the probability of vector-borne diseases like malaria. 

Plastic pollutants make their way to the drainage system and clog those causing floods during rains in areas hitherto prone to the same and causing severe losses year after year.

Is this our legacy we leave for the generations to come? Why should they bear the consequences of our lack of action? Creating awareness and education are paramount in managing the plastic crisis. People around the world are already innovating solutions that focus on reusing and reducing plastic. Starting in 2016, the Government of India has also reacted to the situation, starting with 10 local policies and a nationwide ban on selective forms of the polymer. As the end-consumer, it is our moral responsibility to stop using single-use plastic.  Plan the change! Make the change! Be the change!

Yeh Dil Maange More….


VIBGYOR High Marathahalli gave us a fantastic opportunity to host one of the Dutch students for one week. Initially even the thought of accepting a foreign student was a bit scary.

Concerns, concerns – Will she be comfortable, what will she eat, what if she feels home sick, and would we be good hosts? Eventually, we set all the worries aside and embraced the adventurous route. Nevertheless, it was rewarding.

Not just us as host family, I am sure each of the participants had a truly rewarding experience from this student exchange programme and it will have an everlasting long-term effect on their life. Friends, even brand new friends, make all the difference in the world, literally.

Meticulously planned and executed daily events for different interest groups by the school management and parents created a strong connection. We formed an inclusive family and had the sweetest of lifetime memories.

With satisfying our inquisitiveness about the foreign culture, languages, the food, weather and the endless conversations, the week just flew by.

The pleasant experience is difficult to encapsulate in words- truly overwhelming.

I firmly believe it’s off to a great start and not the end. Looking forward to it.

Yeh Dil Maange More….

M. Gupta

Father of Kanishka Gupta,VIII ‘B’

VIBGYOR High, Marathahalli

Dot—Distillation of Thoughts


The first step towards manifestation of your intention is to distil your random thoughts.Thoughts which are aligned towards a common outcome are said to be coherent.They have much more energy than the thoughts which contradict each other. Manifestation requires energy.

Thoughts which focus upon negative outcomes deplete your vital brain energy.They are a waste of precious time and energy. How to alter these random thoughts and get used to coherent thinking? By being aware of them.

The process through which we nurture thoughts that facilitate manifestation is known as DOT technique.

Exercise 1) Is it what you really want?

For eg: If you say- I want a promotion. THINK.

Is it a promotion you want? An increment? Or more opportunities? More devotion? More challenges? More responsibilities? The more clarity you have about what you want, the easier it is to manifest.

Exercise 2) Let your thoughts run loose for about 15 minutes. After that write down as many thoughts as you remember. Some thoughts may be cancelling or contradicting each other. Some may be doubtful or fearful.

Exercise 3) Sleeping with the intent- The subconscious mind is bigger and more powerful. It has a huge resource available to it. At times you wake up with a powerful solution that seems to come from out of the box.

Teaching, Technology and Education


Many a times we are coerced and cajoled into a profession we may be least interested in. But somewhere down the line, this abominable profession becomes our passion and one learns to excel in it.

What was once considered as a housewife’s profession has resurrected itself as the most challenging and demanding job. From coping up with the needs of the family and delivering classroom instructions, teachers have embellished way beyond one’s apprehension.

Apart from this, teachers and teaching have flourished incorporating technology into teaching. Teachers’ secrets to success have been in planning and implementing these instructions into their teaching which has paved a path for prosperity for the learners.

This unreasonable and impossible job of igniting the young minds of the learners lies on the delicate, yet sturdy shoulders of teachers. The whole and sole ambition of teachers lies in the aim to spark the lamp of learning and quench the thirst of gaining knowledge.

Thus, teachers have turned to the aid of technology. Technology is a FORCE MULTIPLIER for the teacher. Instead of the teacher who at a point of time was the only source of help in a classroom is no longer the sole bearer of the burden of teaching and learning. Technology is equated to a TEACHER LIBERATOR. But before this, the novice (teachers) have to master their skills (technology). In fact to re-establish the role of teacher, inculcating values within and outside the classroom, teachers and technology have to formulate a collaboration, a partnership which helps to create a community which nurtures, encourages and supports the learning and teaching process.
Technology makes the classroom, learner-centered. It strongly encompasses methods of teaching that shifts the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student. Keeping in mind the multiple intelligences present in a classroom situation, technology unfolds many new methods of learning. Be it linguistic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, logical, mathematical –technology has an appropriate response to all.

Technology has the ability to enhance the relationship between teachers and students. Teachers effectively integrate technology into subject. Teachers grow into roles of advisors, content experts, and coaches. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.

Technology stimulates the Teaching and Learning process. Technology provides the teacher with numerous tools that they can use. Technology also has the power to transform teaching by ushering in a new generation of teaching skills. Technology links teachers to their students and to professional content, resources, available in various forms to help them improve their own instruction and personalise learning in and out of the classroom. Technology augments student learning process which is the key to success.

The role of educational technology in teaching is of great importance because of the vast and immense information and communication technologies present with the ever evolving technology which is adamantine. Distance education, satellite classrooms is also made possible due to technology. The Internet teachers and the internet students have opened doors to the inaccessible class and mass of learners.

The VIBGYOR Group of Schools has always believed in providing the best to the best. Under the aegis of our dynamic and vivacious Chairman Mr Rustom Kerawalla and the relentless efforts of our very own irrefutable and indubitable Vice Chairperson Ms Kavita Sahay, and the entire intransigent VIBGYOR family, the group like technology is ever evolving with time and experience. We have implemented the latest, state of the art technology in all spheres of our work. Without a doubt, technology has been the scaffolding to the success of VIBGYOR Group of Schools and we wish to transfer this success to our future – the learners at VIBGYOR.

5 Lessons You Can Learn From the Spirit of Childhood


Have you ever caught yourself dreaming about the days you were a child? Ever wanted to go back to those carefree, fun-loving days? Whether it is boldness, a spirited nature, or looking forward to a new day, there are various qualities that we attribute to children and reminisce about. Here are 5 life lessons that we can learn from our childhood days as well as the kids around us, and imbibe in our daily adult lives.

1. Believe that nothing is impossible

Children are always looking forward to venturing into something new. We’ve all been there – the constantly changing life dreams from being a rockstar one day to an astronaut the next, nothing seemed impossible, and we never confined our dreams. As adults, however, dreams and accomplishments are closely tied to expectations, self-judgements, and the loss of hope that we may not be good at something new. Let’s learn from the young ones around us and believe that nothing is impossible. Want to learn that new dance or study something new? There’s always a way to do so. Say yes to your dreams! There’s nothing stopping you

2. Make yourself laugh

Children have a wonderful way of being amazed or finding humour in the things around them. It doesn’t matter if things aren’t going their way; it doesn’t affect their ability to be positive or find joy in little things such as making stones skip over water or playing with bubbles. Let’s learn from this light-hearted nature of children around us. Step away from the things that cause you stress, and spend some time making yourself smile. Whether it’s watching a funny cartoon or playing with dogs, there’s always time for laughter and fun.

3. Ask silly questions

“Mum, why do we have so many fingers? Are butterflies just small birds? Does Santa wear his hat while sleeping?” Have you ever watched a kid talking nineteen to the dozen with innocence and keenness to learn? For some reason, as we grow older, we start worrying about asking questions that may seem silly. But the greatest discoveries arose from questions that were initially deemed nonsensical. So let’s stop questioning ourselves and start being curious about things that happen in the world as there’s always something new to learn

4. Show compassion

There’s an abundance of lessons to be learnt from children when it comes to showing compassion and empathy. Their innocence and soft-heartedness are incredibly prominent. They are quick to feel upset when they see an animal in distress and ready to help someone who needs it. As we grow up, we tend to be preoccupied with our own problems and don’t give much thought to the issues of the people around us. Let’s learn from the goodness of young children, and be kind to others, whether it’s assisting someone cross the road, feeding a stray animal, or donating to charity.

5. Every new day is a fresh chapter

The final school bell rings and there’s the sound of feet running down the corridor. Bags are tossed aside as some of them run towards the playground, and others gather around making plans for the evening. That difficult test and the scolding from the teacher are all forgotten. As a fresh day dawns and children get ready for school again, they begin to look forward to new possibilities, new adventures, and new friends. They don’t carry problems from one day to the next. Every day is a fresh chapter, and with the end of the day, ends all their troubles. Let’s learn from this attitude and look forward to each new day as a world of opportunities!

There are a great many things we can learn from children that can make our lives happier and more fulfilling. Implement these in your daily life and see the change that occurs!

Moves of the Champions


VIBGYOR High, Haralur road, hosted a Rapid Chess tournament for the first time, to provide a platform for students to improve on logical thinking, analytical reasoning and problem solving. Students in the age group of 6 to 16 years participated in this mega event held on 28 October, 2017 in the school from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm.

It all started when Master Prithvi Rajan an enthusiastic, international chess player of our tenth grade had a dazzling idea of conducting a tournament for the school children. He has participated in numerous national and international chess tournaments and wanted to provide a similar platform for the students of his school. Since he has been playing chess from a very young age, he knew the game and was confident of organising such a tournament. Under his initiative and the support of the school staff, a team was built, duties assigned and preparations were in full swing. Brochure, registration forms were created by Prithvi himself and uploaded on various chess-related websites.

As the day of the tournament approached, the registrations went up significantly! There was an overwhelming response of 350 entries out of which 308 participants with valid documents were shortlisted. There were groups of participants from various schools, individual entries as well as outstation participation from the cities of Chennai, Mandya and Mysore.

The day began with the enthusiastic outstation participants arriving as early as 6.30 am. Registrations started at 8:00 am and by 9.15 am all participants were in the big hall for the players meet. After a brief talk about the rules and regulations by the Chief Arbiter, the first round of the tournament commenced.

It was heart-warming to see the age group of 6 to 8 years children (95 participants) playing their moves like stalwarts with rapt concentration and collected demeanour. There were seven rounds in all lasting up to 6.30 pm. It was a wonder to see the children finishing all the rounds calmly and the accompanying parents waiting patiently.

Prize distribution started at 7.00 pm and there was huge applause for the participants winning the cash prizes. The youngest participant and most-promising player were also felicitated. A surprise award was given to Prithvi in recognition of his initiative and efforts to conduct the meticulously planned event. A special mention must go out to his parents who were equally and tirelessly involved the entire day.

All in all, it was a great experience for the team and students got a good opportunity to display their skills. It has assured us that chess is a game wherein children learn to be responsible for their actions.
